Flax Milk or Hemp Milk- Which Is Better For Your Needs?

Rohit Panwar

Interested in trying out the new plant milks, but confused between flax milk versus hemp milk? While both offer numerous benefits, opting for one can be challenging. 

As a practicing nutritionist, let me help you uncover the differences and similarities between flax milk and hemp milk. With this information as the base, you can make the best choice for yourself.  

Flax milk versus Hemp milk

Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk Nutrition & Outcomes

In the table below, let’s compare flax milk and hemp milk nutrition and benefits –

Flax milk

Flax Seeds & Water

Hemp milk

Hemp Seeds & Water

Flax milk


Hemp milk

Nutty & Earthy

Flax milk

1 cup

Hemp milk

1 cup

Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk

3.25 g*

Hemp milk

4.51 g*

Flax milk

2.2 g*

Hemp milk

3 g*

Flax milk

24- 450 mg*

Hemp milk

26- 283 mg* 

Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk


Hemp milk


Flax milk

Honey or dates

Hemp milk

Vanilla, cinnamon

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

What Is Needed to Make Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk?

Flax milk is derived from overnight soaked flax seeds. These are blended with water and then filtered to strain away the undissolved pulp to get flax milk. The liquid can be gummy, so be very careful while preparing it at home.

Hemp milk is prepared using hemp seeds. You do not require to soak the seeds, therefore it takes less time to prepare. The blended mixture is filtered to yield hemp milk.

Difference in Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk Taste and Texture

Flax milk has a earthy, seed-like and nutty taste. Texture-wise it is gelatinous and creamy.

Hemp milk tastes slightly nutty and earthy. It has a creamy smooth consistency which makes it a perfect addition to coffee, tea and lattes.

Will a Cup of Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk Suffice?

Flax milk and hemp milk can be added to your daily diet because of their good nutritional values. 

Both are drinks rich in fiber content, hence their intake should be limited to the recommended quantity i.e. 1 cup.

How Do Other Plant Milks Fare Against Flax Milk & Hemp Milk?

| Flax Milk vs Pea Milk |
| Hemp Milk vs Peanut Milk |

Flax Milk Vs Hemp Milk Calories- What Is the Difference?

In flax milk and hemp milk, the major sources of the calories are fats and carbs. Make sure to check the labels of the store versions for added sugars if any. It will add to the total calories.

Calorific levels in hemp milk is more than flax milk. Hence, flax milk is a better choice for people who wish to watch their calorie intake.

Comparing the Fat Content in Flax Milk & Hemp Milk

If you are wondering about flax milk vs hemp milk for weight loss, then the answer is flax milk. This is because flax milk has a lower fat content when compared to hemp milk.

Flax milk and hemp milk contain omega-3 and omega-6 that have many benefits including reducing cholesterol and are beneficial for a healthy heart. It is advisable to check the nutritional labels for added sugars or synthetic flavors, if you are buying store versions.

Is Hemp Milk Better than Flax Milk in Protein Content?

Hemp milk contains all the essential amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins required for body functions. Therefore, it is a source of good quality protein. 

As shown in the table, hemp milk contains more proteins than flax milk. However both lag behind dairy milk. Hence, take them along with protein- rich foods to meet the protein needs.

Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk Nutrition With Respect to Calcium

Homemade forms of flax milk and hemp milk lack a good amount of calcium content unlike dairy milk. Therefore, their market versions have added calcium to make them more competitive to dairy. 

However, the amount of calcium added to the commercially available milks may vary from one brand to another. Therefore, it is best to check the labels before buying the products. 

Flax Milk Vs Hemp Milk- When to Consume For Maximum Benefits?

The right time to consume flax milk and hemp milk is either in the morning so as to give a good start to the day or before bedtime that will promote sleep as they contain tryptophan

You can swap hemp milk as a replacement for cow’s milk in smoothies, coffee and cereals. Similarly, flax milk is a perfect addition to smoothies, curries and porridge

Flax Milk or Hemp Milk- Which is Better for The Planet?

Flax milk and hemp milk both are plant based products that utilize less resources e.g. freshwater and land. These crops improve the soil structure as they limit the need for agrochemicals like fertilizers. 

Both these drinks have relatively low environmental impact as compared to dairy products, hence they are considered better for the ecosystem. Hemp seeds are comparatively more sustainable than flax seeds.

Flax Vs Hemp Milk- Which Will Make For a Better Vegan- Friendly Choice?

Flax milk and hemp milk are derived from flax seeds and hemp seeds. Both are plant based, thus they are vegan- friendly foods.

Moreover, flax and hemp seeds are oilseeds, hence these are suitable for people that are allergic to lactose, dairy, gluten, casein, soy and nuts.

How Efficacious Do Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk for Dental Health?

Flax milk and hemp milk contain omega-3 fatty acids that are considered great in reducing gum diseases.

Flax milk also contains essential nutrients like phosphorus, vitamin B, potassium and magnesium in significant quantities that helps to build enamel.

Hemp milk apart from omega 3 contains phosphorus, vitamin B12, E, zinc and iron in small amounts which can aid dental wellness.

The marketed versions of both flax and hemp milk may contain added calcium which helps to strengthen teeth, gums and jaw bones. Hence, they are both effective for maintaining overall oral health.

Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk Benefits for Healthy Digestive System

Flax milk and hemp milk both are very good options for your tummy if you are facing difficulty in digesting regular milk. They are rich in fiber that aids digestive functions in the body.

These two refreshing drinks also contain essential nutrients like phosphorus, vitamin A, B, calcium, magnesium and potassium which further aid the digestion process and make bathroom going habits better.

Beating the Heat With Flax Milk Versus Hemp Milk

Gulping down a cup of flax milk and hemp milk will keep your body cool. This is because the major constituent in both these drinks is water.  

Hemp & Flax milk also go really well when served chilled in smoothies, cold coffee, and milkshakes.

Flax Milk Vs Hemp Milk- Which Is Better For Body Hydration?

Apart from water, hemp and flax milk both contain significant levels of sodium and other essential nutrients. 

These nutrients all are helpful in maintaining electrolyte balance and hydrating the body.

Various Ways to Enjoy Goodness of Flax Milk Vs Hemp Milk?

Flax milk can be made more nutritious by adding some natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or dates. You can give an optional try to salt, cinnamon or nutmeg to make it savoury. 

Hemp milk can be flavored with vanilla, maple syrup, dates or honey for natural sweetness. You can also use hemp milk in a number of other ways including adding it to your lattes, cappuccinos and coffee. 

In the end, I would like to conclude here that flax milk and hemp milk both are worth trying and you can choose any of these according to your needs.

I hope that this blog addressed all your doubts and queries. If you have more queries, then drop your comments below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.